#PrayersforHumboldt, News (Kawartha Minor Hockey)

News Article
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Apr 11, 2018 | thennekam | 1035 views
Please help us help Humboldt.  Please join us in a moment of silence at our Hockey Banquet on April 12th to pray for all involved in the Humboldt tragedy.  We will have a collection jar available if you would like to donate to their community.  We are also invited to a Gathering in Fenelon Falls (Arena) on Sunday, April 15th at 2:00 pm to show our support to their community.  Please read more.

Community Gathering for Humboldt Saskatchewan
My name is Caroline Fenelius-Carpenter I am a local hockey mom and a funeral celebrant from Fenelon Falls. Jardine Funeral Home along with myself and some others are putting together a Community Gathering. We are hoping a representation or members of your teams and organization in will want to attend in your team jerseys or that you will share this information with your teams through email or your social media or website. There will be an ad in the paper on Thursday. If you need any more information please feel free to contact me by email or Jardine Funeral Home at 705 887 3130. Thank you. Caroline Fenelius-Carpenter

Community Gathering 
From our community to theirs.  
A show of support for the community and First Responders of Humboldt Saskatchewan.
Fenelon Falls Arena
Sunday April 15, 2018
At 2:00 pm 
Please wear your hockey jersey, or the colours green or yellow to show your support. 
Music, words of support and comfort will be provided. Note cards will be provided to send words of condolence, donations for the First Responders in the Humboldt Community will be accepted. All Welcome.

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