Apr 02, 2019 | Tracy Hennekam (new email) | 1404 views
REMINDER: Annual General Meeting
Reminder of AGM tomorrow (Wednesday April 3rd, 7:00 pm OPS Arena).
Agenda as follows:
Kawartha Minor Hockey Association-Annual General
Meeting April 3, 2019 – 7:00pm Ops Arena Hall
1) Call to Order 7:00 pm
2) Presidents Welcome - Tanya Murtha
3) Approval of the 2019 AGM Agenda
4) Approval of the minutes of the 2018 AGM
Read by Secretary Erin Jenkins
5) Receiving reports of the activities of the Association
6) Receiving and approving the report of the Treasurer of the Association from the
previous year (2018-2019), and a projected budget for the current year (2019-2020).
Presented by Treasurer Jaime Barber
7) Consideration of any proposed amendments to the Letters patent or By-Laws of the Association.
8) Transaction of any business, which relates to the business of the Meeting referred to above, and particulars of which are received by the secretary in writing at least 48 hours prior to the Annual General Meeting.
9) Election of new New Board Members
10) Election of Positions of the Board - Secretary, Treasurer, 2nd Vice President, 1st Vice President, President
11) Introduction of the 2019-2020 Board
12) Motion to adjourn