May 07, 2019 | Tracy Hennekam (new email) | 1726 views
Interested In Coaching 3C's?
Kawartha Minor Hockey Association accepting coaching applications for the 2019 - 2020 minor hockey season.
Coaches are selected on the basis of the following:
Interpersonal skills
Problem solving skills
Ability to teach, relate and work positively with the players
Coaching and playing experience
Past performance
Hockey knowledge
Kawartha Minor Hockey Coach Selection Process:
Interested Coaches are asked to submit their application through the online form located on the Kawartha Minor Hockey website.
This application can be found under the Coaches tab of our website, 2019 Deadline for applications to coach a Three County Team: TBD - if interested we encourage you to apply now.
Applications are reviewed and interviews are offered to qualified candidates.
The Coach Selection Committee is made up of members from the KMHA Board and member(s) from the Kawartha Community.Interviews will be conducted by a panel from the Coach Selection Committee.
Any member of the Coach Selection Committee with a child potentially involved in a division will not vote on the Coach Selection, but will be able to offer insight into the applicants past performance and interview answers.Coaches are selected and offered the volunteer position.
Unsuccessful applicants are then informed of the decision.