Update, News (Kawartha Minor Hockey)

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Oct 07, 2020 | Tracy Hennekam (new email) | 2178 views
Parents and Guardians!
We now have the first full week of Developmental Skates completed! 

The Executive and Coaches would like to thank everyone for taking the time to make sure your players are at the rink on time, Checked-In on the Covid Tracking Questionnaire, wearing your masks and ready to learn from our coaches! 

Although this season is very different from any other season, we are doing our best to make it feel like all of the previous seasons we have been together!  

Please ensure you are filling out the Covid Check-In Questionnaire for each individual entering the arena, only on the day of your ice time.  The system clears all responses after our last ice time is scheduled each day, and will not reset until the next day.  Any responses entered on the incorrect day are automatically removed from the data for the correct day. Also please try to be as accurate as possible when filling out the Questionnaire to ensure tracing can easily take place, should a Covid case occur within our organization. 

The Executive would like to remind everyone that the September 30, deadline for participation in Non-Sanctioned Hockey Events has now passed. Any players found to be participating in such unsanctioned events are subject to losing all privileges with OMHA and Hockey Canada for the remainder of the season. Kawartha Minor Hockey does not support Non-Sanctioned Hockey directly or indirectly through advertisement, promotion, ticket sales, volunteer activities, assigning Officials, sharing resources or enabling such a League to participate in Hockey Canada sanctioned activities.

Attendance and tracing is now mandatory for all individuals entering any arena in the province for each ice time attended. The result is a paper trail indicating when players have been participating in these Non-Sanctioned Leagues and Skates. Not only does participating in these Non-Sanctioned Leagues put our players at risk, it also puts our entire league and our partners at risk if someone comes in contact with a person who contracted Covid-19 in a different 50 player bubble. 

Further information about the policy can be found at the following link. (https://www.ohf.on.ca/media/o2zj5kjr/ohf-unsanctioned-league-policy.pdf

The OMHA has decided to remain in stage 3B for the time being.  Developmental Skates will continue forward until the shift to Stage 3C takes place. 

If you would like to check out what we are allowed to do in each of the stages, please look at the following link. https://www.omha.net/covid-19

 Coaches will continue to focus on the key skills necessary for the development of our players, so that when we are allowed to enter into the next stage of the Return to Play Plan, our players are ready to go! 

The Hockey Canada core skills for each age group can be found at the following link.

Hockey Canada Player Development Downloads | Resources for Skill Development

Hockey Canada Player Development Downloads | Resources for Skill Develop...Hockey Canada's player development downloads include valuable resources for players, coaches, parents. Find hock...

Again, we would like to thank all of the Members of Kawartha Minor Hockey for your continued support as we get back on the ice for this season!Your Kawartha Minor Hockey Association Executive
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Greg's No Frills Peterborough
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Tim Horton's Timbits Hockey
Tim Horton's Proud Sponsor of Timbits' Hockey!
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