Hockey is Back!
Please watch the website for the schedule (to be posted shortly if it is not already there).
Ice times begin for all age groups the week of September 13th!! Please remember that registration fees must be paid in full prior to going on the ice. If you are unsure what you owe, please email Jamie Barber at
[email protected] Jamie will be at the arena for most pre-skates. The preferred payment method is etransfer.
Please note that Covid protocols are in effect and similar to last year:
- There will be an online form to be filled out prior to each ice time for each person entering the arena. This form needs to be filled out on the same day as your ice time.
- Masks are required in the arena (except for when participants are on the ice).
-Please come fully dressed as you cannot enter the arena until 15 minutes before your ice time.
- Please be on time as your group is required to enter the arena together.
- Only one parent/guardian is permitted to go into the dressing room to assist your child with skate tying (U11 and below only)
- Parents/guardians are not permitted in the dressing rooms (U13 and up).
- 2 spectators are permitted per player. Please follow social distancing rules and wear a mask.
- Outside food and drinks are NOT permitted, except a water bottle for participants. Make sure water bottles are labelled as they cannot be shared.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! If you have not received an email about your child's ice time, you should receive a phone call this week.
See you at the rink!