Oct 19, 2021 | Lauren Addison | 926 views
U11 Power Skating
U11's sign up now for Friday night's power skating.
This includes U11 Rep, U11 3C and U11 AE.
If you are interested in taking part in this opportunity on Friday night from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in Omemee, please register using the link below.
Power Skating U11 Friday October 22, 2021. 7-8pm (google.com)
There are a maximum of 25 skaters allowed on the ice.
Players must register using the form prior to the ice time. Spots will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.
This will be a skating only practice.
Ice time is free and players are to register under Power Skating when completing the Covid Check-in.
Please keep an eye on the calendar for future Power Skating opportunities for other age groups.