Let's Hit the Ice, News (Kawartha Minor Hockey)

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Jan 28, 2022 | Lauren Addison | 945 views
Let's Hit the Ice
Monday is the day we have been waiting for because the Coyotes officially hit the ice again!

Please check the organization calendar regularly to ensure you do not miss a game or practice. 

In order to enter the arena, you will be required to show valid proof of vaccination in the form of a QR Code.

Updated Rules:
MAXIMUM 2 spectators per person
You no longer need to fill out the Covid screener.
You need to vacate the arena within 20 minutes of your ice time finishing. 
Masks must be worn inside the dressing rooms/arena at all times. Players may take off their mask to go on the ice.

Click on this link for more information

Please continue to self screen/monitor. If you are experiencing Covid symptoms, please stay home.

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