Vulnerable Sector Police Checks, News (Kawartha Minor Hockey)

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Aug 20, 2024 | Lauren Addison | 555 views
Vulnerable Sector Police Checks
Vulnerable Sector Checks MUST be done for ALL volunteers and Board Members (18+) prior to them being able to step on the ice surface or entering a dressing room with our players.  

The OHF has given us a deadline for all REP level coaches and Board Members to have the VSC process started with proof of a receipt, by September 1, to be eligible for this season.  All other volunteers must have the process started prior to going on the ice or entering the dressing room area as a coach or on ice volunteer.  

VSC's are valid for 6 months from the time they are obtained and submitted to the OHF, so if you have a VSC from the last 6 months, it will work. Declarations will be made from this point on each year instead of obtaining a new VSC each season. 

Below are the steps and links to obtain and submit the online documents, including the PDF letter from the OHF (created in consultation with the OPP) to obtain a VSC for hockey related activities. 

Website references:OVERVIEW:



Link to VSC request:

Please start the process in the next week so we are able to roster all of our teams in a couple of weeks.

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