2024-2025 Coaches Evaluation (Kawartha Minor Hockey)

2024-2025 Coaches Evaluation
This evaluation process is designed to provide performance metrics to KMHA as we move within and between seasons. All coaches are volunteering their time and knowledge of the game to help the association and its members succeed. KMHA appreciates the donation these coaches are providing to this organization and feel this evaluation is a tool to help recognized the strengths they are offering while also measuring the enjoyment and successes of our most important members....the players. Please provide an honest and fair evaluation of the coach and KMHA program. Complete one form per player.

Coach Information

Respondent Information (optional)

Please feel free to provide your contact information if you wish.

Part A - Player Accomplishments

Evaluate the degree to which you believe you as a player or your child achieved the following: 1=Not At All 3 = Somewhat 5 = Very Much

Part B - Coaches Skill Set

Evaluate the coach in the following areas using the following rating system: 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Needs Improvement 3 = Adequate 4 = Good 5 = Excellent

Coaches Recommendations/Comments

Please provide any other information you feel is valuable regarding your / or your child's hockey season.

KMHA - Program Evaluation

This section provides the opportunity to evaluate and give feedback on KMHA program on a whole that is offered to our members. Evaluate the program in the following areas using the following rating system: 1 = Unsatisfactory 2 = Needs Improvement 3 = Adequate 4 = Good 5 = Excellent