Jan 14, 2014 | jwhalen | 961 views
New OMHA Regulation
Parents there is a new OMHA regulation coming into
effect for next season. The OMHA has decided that each player in the OMHA
including all house and local league teams must have one parent/guardian
complete a Respect in Sport course before they can be registered to a team.
will not affect those parents of third year midgets not returning but for the
rest of you I would like to suggest getting this done as early as possible.
Because this initiative will be province wide I expect there will be quite a
backlog of parents trying to do this in Sept.
My suggestion is- if you think
your player is returning to hockey next year complete this requirement in the
next month or so to be sure that you don’t get caught up in the last minute
Please see the email below for attachments
explaining how to complete the course.