Sep 30, 2014 | cbrumwell | 1281 views
WELCOME to the Kawartha Coyotes Tyke team page!
Here are some updates!!
PLAYERS: The team roster has been submitted and will be added to our website shortly.
GAMES: The calendar now has our games listed, our first game is Sunday October 12th at 3:30 in Bobcaygeon!
JERSEY'S: Jay picked up the jerseys last night and the kids will be able to pick their numbers at the next practice!
PRIVACY and SAFETY: A password has been set for a portion of the site. The password will be provided to the
parents shortly.
REMINDERS! Please complete and return the contact form so I have current info to be able to contact each parent via the source most suitable for each family, as well as the Medical Form for our Trainer, Brian Penhale.
Thanks, and we will see you all on the weekend!